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Enchiladas recipe

These enchiladas are not probably what the Mexican food is generally about, however, these are the ones I’m used to since I have memory, so to me these are the best. Besides, they are oil-free and they are vegetarian.

They could also be accompanied with beans or some boiled potatoes (served separately) in order to give it a flavor boost (my father usually has a cup of cooked beans’ water, for example). They could also be prepared with shredded chicken to add up more protein.

Red enchiladas served with cheese and chopped lettuce on top


  • 2 Guajillo chili
  • 2-3 Tomatoes (depending on the size)
  • 1 Garlic clove
  • 1 small corn dough ball (about the size of a golf ball, if not a bit larger)
  • Chopped Onion (in very small cubes)
  • Adobera cheese or Enchilado cheese (either works)
  • Chopped lettuce
  • Table salt
  • Corn tortillas
  • (optional) Cream


Boil the Guajillo chilis along with the tomatoes in a small pot. Once boiled, blend them with the corn dough, the garlic clove and a bit of water. (Beware of not adding along of water, as the mix will need to be let to reduce until it has a semi solid consistency, like grume).

Put the mix in a pan and keep moving the mix until the corn dough taste is not that obvious (so the corn dough is cooked). Add table salt and the mole is ready.

Take a hot tortilla and smear it on the mole on both sides (you could use a spoon or drown the tortilla directly in the pan, it doesn’t matter). Add onion and cheese within the tortilla and roll up the tortilla.

Once you’re OK with the number of enchiladas made, spear some more cheese on top, add some cream too and cover them with a bed of chopped lettuce. You may also add any hot sauce of your choice (molcajete’s sauce is highly recommended).

Enjoy your serving.